Making sure that your account is associated with the correct school is important so that you have access to the correct membership level.
Once you are in the "Please select your school" window, there are two different fields you can use to search for your school.
- Start with Location
- This is usually the fastest way to narrow down your selection. Once entered, we will only show options in the 'School' field that have that location on file. Please be sure to enter your school's city or state rather than your own.
- Start typing in your School name
- As you type, the field will pre-populate a list of schools that are located in the selected city/state AND that match the name you're typing.
- NOTE: Some schools may be entered in slightly different formats. For example, a school named Saint Mary might be registered as "Saint Mary," "St. Mary," or "St Mary". Or you might have a school named "MLK," "Martin Luther King," "Dr. Martin Luther King School," etc. It's important to try a few variations to make sure you've selected the right one.
Tried all the variations and still can't find your school? Just reach out to our support team, we'll be happy to assist!
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