Making sure your account is signed up with the right school will ensure that you're getting all the benefits of your membership!
If you have changed schools, simply log into your account and click on your name in the top right to select Account Settings.
On the Account Settings page, you will see a section towards the top titled "Organization." The school or organization you are currently associated with is listed there. Just click the "Change" button to update.
You can enter your location and then begin typing in the name of your school/organization to have it auto-fill. Once you have found the correct school, click the green "Join Organization" button.
*TIP! Many schools have similar names or a variety of ways to list their name - e.g., Jefferson High vs. Jefferson High School. Be sure to verify the location of your school. Multiple versions of your school name? You can reach out to an administrator to be sure to get the correct version.
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