We're in the process of updating all our lessons and unit assessments to our new and improved 3-dimensional format. The new assessments have been developed to reflect state science assessments, which require students to engage in the 3-dimensions of NGSS. While we recognize that these revised assessments are more challenging, they were purposefully designed to equip students for those exams.
The previous assessments on our site fell short and did not fully prepare students for the rigors of state tests. You can contact us for the old assessments, but please keep this in mind.
We do hear the feedback that these assessments are challenging and we want to help you and your students. We'll be conducting a research study over the next several months, talking with teachers directly to find ways to support you. If you'd like to talk with our team and be part of this research, please do reach out.
If you'd like to learn more about 3-D assessments, check out this article:
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