New to Mystery Science? We understand that many teachers would like to start out by teaching lessons that require little to no preparation. No problem! We have many to choose from!
While logged into Mystery Science, you can find these specific lessons conveniently organized under "No-Prep Activities" within the "Lessons" section. These are considered no-prep because they require few printouts and/or minimal supplies.
If you're looking for low-prep mini-lessons, we've included a list of several below.
Why are so many people scared of bugs?
How do polar bears survive the cold?
Which animal has the biggest heart?
How do flowers bloom in the spring?
What’s that red thing on a turkey?
How do magicians trick people?
Why do leaves change color in the fall?
Why can’t airplanes fly to space?
Why are butterflies so colorful?
How do you become the greatest inventor?
How do scientists know so much?
Why do our skeletons have so many bones?
What would happen if you didn’t have a skull?
Which animal has the biggest heart?
If you’re new to teaching hands-on activities in the classroom, these are easy to start with, yet still highly engaging! Please reach out to us if you have questions or need ideas to make these lessons fit your classroom structure, we're happy to help!
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